Friday 9 September 2011

Leadership - through the lens of the goose

Honk, Honk, Honk! I hear the geese greeting all of us….letting us know they are gathering…before they begin their journey south.    I am a student of the geese.  They share wisdom that is thousands of years old, passed on from generation to generation. I am also Swampy Cree from Pimicikamak Cree Nation a member of the Swampy Cree Tribal Council, represented by Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak.  My ancestors lived in across the northern part of the Canadian Prairies.  Their wisdom and their knowledge are infused in my blood, and the blood of my family.  We will add our own wisdom and knowledge into this river of time, which will to be carried on to our children’s grand children’s great, great, great grand children’s children, until the end of time.  And, like the geese, each generation adds something from their time to this enlightened instinct that strengthens the internal compass - a compass that brings together and guides a community in the same direction.  One Community - One Direction.

There are many lessons that geese continue to share.  One particular lesson is about leadership.  In the gaggle, leadership is shared by all.  This role is to be the one in front; interestingly my last name means “the one in front”.  This shared leadership role is lead the community on the journey, not necessarily to the destination.  Imagine if our communities empowered themselves with this philosophy – leadership is a share responsibility of each member of the community. What would it take?

For one, all geese honk to encourage and motivate each other and the one in front.  If we encourage and motivate our leader, the one in front, think of the great things we can accomplish together.   When the one in front can no longer lead, another goose readily takes the lead, while the other steps back into the flock and joins the chorus of honks.  The geese may not always know exactly where they are going, but with their internal compass, and guidance from their elders, they always know which way to go and arrive together.

In Manitoba, the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, the provincial political organization, is on a mission to represent our First Nation communities and inherent rights.  No easy task for any leader. Our newly elected Grand Chief, Derek Nepinak (his campaign was “Of the Chiefs, For the Chiefs”) must be now appointing his advisors; those people who will be his eyes and ears in the community.

This advisory team will be honoured with the opportunity to bring the people’s voice directly to the Grand Chief.  I look forward to seeing his vision of change reflected in his selections and decisions, guided by generations of wisdom and knowledge.

The community is here....connected....watching....discussing and sharing.

I congratulate Grand Chief Nepinak, and I look forward to working with him.  Honk, Honk, Honk!

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